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About Us:

Hi! Welcome to our website!  We are next door neighbors that often talk while doing yard work.  One hot day and a few cold beverages later, a small business idea was born after Mo discovered a beautiful oak barrel bar at Joe’s home.  


We both liked the item so much that we joked for several more weeks about making something similar to sell and eventually roll our profits into our travel and retirement funds. 


With each conversation, the jokes became serious discussions and we began researching things you can make with retired barrels.  With a lot of fear, hope and love for these beautiful oak pieces, we decided to go into business. While doing research, we found a fellow barrel enthusiast in southern Ohio.  


One sunny day we jumped into the truck and drove to meet him and see his operation.  We came home that day with a trailer load of barrels, a lot of good advice and big smiles on our faces.  


In May of 2023, we officially started MoJo53 Barrel Creations.  Mo (Michelle Obenour); Jo (Joe Jacobs) and 53 is the number of gallons a whiskey barrel will hold. 


Needless to say, we are blessed! We inspire each other and we are excited to share our craftmanship with you. 


We enjoy meeting people, and it is so fulfilling to see passion for our products.  We hope you see the love we put into each unique piece and we thank you for each purchase.  What a compliment it is to have someone want something in their home that you have made!


“What a compliment it is to have someone want something in their home that you have made!”

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Saw Dust and Show Pieces:

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Our garages are our barrel sanctuaries! With no hope of getting vehicles in there anytime soon, we use these spaces to create saw dust and show pieces.  


As we open our garage doors and turn on lights, there’s a faint scent of whiskey that lingers.   


When we begin crafting our pieces each day, beautiful grains of aged oak are revealed with every pass of swishing sandpaper.  


It’s here where we find our “mojo”.  A state of calm and enlightenment from the day-to-day hustle. 


It’s here where time is taken, but never lost. 

Our Community:

We are located in a small rural farming community in Northwest Ohio.  The public school is the heart of our community, the people here roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. Smart and caring people volunteer for our local emergency services and all the local news can be heard at the gas station or at the barbershop.  Here neighbors take care of neighbors.  


In the air you will get hints of freshly turned-up soil, the inviting aroma of popcorn at the local ball game or you will see the pride for those who have served or are currently serving in our American armed forces. 


When we aren’t home enjoying this simple and peaceful life, we love seeing our neighbors and meeting new friends at the various craft shows, fairs and festivals. 


The best way to keep in contact with us is by joining our newsletter! We promise not to sell your contact information, but we will keep you in the know of new products, shows, and sales. Sign up below!
